JUNE 2008 - AUGUST 2009: First year as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mauritania, West Africa / OCTOBER 2009 - OCTOBER 2010: Second year as a volunteer in Burkina Faso
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Photo #18
This is my two-year-old host brother Hussein. He's just starting to talk in a comprehensible way and is pretty much adorable. I took this photo on the first day of Tabaski, which is the biggest Muslim holiday of the year. He's showing off his new clothes that my host dad brought back from Nouakchott for all the kids. And that's John's foot in the corner.
(The opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not represent the United States Peace Corps, United States government, government of Mauritania, or government of Burkina Faso.)
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