Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Photo #4 (insha'allah)

Thanks to this speedy internet cafe connection, I am finding it much easier to post photos now.  And since we have the weekend off (the first time in the past month!), I have plenty of time to catch up on these sorts of things.  I know that this photo requires some explanation:  this was taken from the backseat of one of the Peace Corps cars (lovingly called the "vomit comet") on our way from Kaedi to M'Bout.  Did I mention that it's the rainy season here?  Kaedi and M'Bout are located in the Gorgol region along the Senegal river, which means that they get a lot more rain than the rest of the country.  Although they are working on the road, it stills becomes flooded during the rainy season and impassible for cars -- trucks are fine.  We had been driving for about an hour and a half before we came to this "creek crossing."  Our driver stopped the car, got out, walked around, and then without even checking the depth of the water, drove us straight through to the other side (he did tell us to close the windows before!).  I have no idea how he decided which creeks were safe enough to cross and which weren't, but I have faith in his driving skills.  I can tell you that I'm not looking forward to finding my own ride from M'Bout to Kaedi in the future!
I'm hoping that this gives you a glimpse into the irony that is my village.  It's a good-sized town -- the last census says about 21,000 inhabitants -- but it's out in the middle of nowhere.  No paved roads for miles around.  But it has electricity and running water and a market and restaurants.  And impassible, rough dirt roads.  Which is why I'm posting this photo.

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